Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Upload Top 10 Search Engine Optimization Tips

Choose the right Language for your Web site:
You must understand how people are searching for product or service to ensure you can be found where they are looking. You may be surprised to find that keywords you thought best described your product or industry are silent compared to terms used by those surfing the Web. Ignoring terms, even when undesirable, can cost you thousands of visitors a day.

Map your Web site:
Review your keyword list and select two or three popular keyword phrases that make sense for a particular page of your Web site. Remember, it's always preferable to use phrases instead of single keywords.

Your title tags are key:
A major factor in search engine rankings, the title tag should consist of five to 10 words and contain the targeted keywords for that particular Web page. It is best to avoid placing your company or organization name in every title on the Web site.

Pay attention to your body copy:
While it is best to write copy from scratch based upon your keyword selections, you can easily incorporate keywords into the body of existing Web page copy. Aim for 200 plus words incorporating your elected keywords 3 to 4 times, or once a paragraph.

Use META keyword and description tags:
Although they are no longer major factors in search engine rankings, META keyword and description tags should be used, principally the description tag, which search engines use to describe your Web site in their natural results.

Alt Tags
Alt Tags are primarily used to assign keywords to an image. If you've ever held your mouse curser over an image and it shows a description then this was created by the Alt Tag. Your Alt tags should match the actual image.

Use pay-per-click advertising:

If you can afford it, use of Yahoo Search Marketing and Google Adwords is highly recommended. On a budget if even one dollar a day, you could attract leads and brand your issue, product or service to over 85% of the search engine public, even if it is on a limited basis.

Don't cheat:
Using tactics like keyword stuffing (repeating keywords over and over), hidden text and participating with link farms, among others, are dangerous propositions. The search engines know these tricks, and they know them better than you.